Okay So I have NOT done a blog post in like forever!!! Sorry. So Makenna saw this cute lunchbox at a store but it said Evive on in for like a name. Obviously Makenna's name isn't Evive so we had to do something with it. Last night me and my mom thought of making cute little flowers to cover the name on the lunchbox:)

So what we did is got cloth and cut out a bunch of tiny little circles. We chose white but of course you can choose whatever color you want. We folded a circle in half then folded it in half again to make a cute design. We hot glued a lot of the folded cloths together to make a cute flower. We made three of them but in this picture there are only two.

I hope you can see that well enough. What we did after that we got all three flowers in the position that we wanted them to be in and
hot glued them.

See now it covers the name:)!

Cute Huh?:)
We got the flower idea by littlemissmomma.blogspot.com
She tells you a little more how to do the flowers.
We just decided to do it on Makennas Lunch box..
Hope you liked it:)