Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hey if you have any cool ideas/requests for me then just email me or just comment:) And I'll attempt to try them out:)
*Top Twist*
I haven't done hair in a while which is very disappointing but oh well.... So It's very related to the one hair do that I did called The Upside Down French Braid but just on top:) Just start with a french braid in the front and take it back. End it with a hair-pretty. Then bring all of the other hair up with another hair pretty.

Then I just did a clean bun. But you can keep it in a pony tail. Or you can even do it as just a half up half down. Ooh look theres another hair do I can do haha:) Anyways...

Then you can add a flower (completely optional:)

And there you go!! :) Hope you like it:)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I did Kelly and Kelly's friends hair today. I have been doing a lot of hair today... :D But that's okay with me.

So anyways on both of them I just did French braid on their bangs then straightened their hair.

Then I just added a flower.

And that's all. It was pretty easy. :)
It's been a while with me doing peoples hair (for me at least:)I just chose to do their hair down and easy today. I picked out their outfits so they look like twins :) Hahah I think it's cute:)

Makenna Madison
So I just did a normal french braid on the front section of their hair. On Makenna's I did more of a tighter braid then on Madisons.

Then I just added a flower:)


And There you go:)
Hope you liked it:)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
*Twist Down*
Start of by doing 3 twists back, holding them with bobby pins. I personally think the twists work better if the hair is a little wet.

Then I covered the bobby pins with a orange flower. I think it looks a little better that way.
There you go! Hope you liked it:D
I started with doing the zig-zag part [I took that all the way down to the back of her neck] then put it up into two pigtails.

With the hair out of the pigtail then twist it, end it with a hair pretty.
Then just put it through one of the hair pretty's to have it hold.

You can either curl or blow dry the hair out of the twist. I just kind of blowed dried it.
Then I added a flower.
There you go. Hope you like it:D
Saturday, October 2, 2010
*Upside Down French Braid*
I started off with having her flip her head over. It's easy if you just have them lay on their stomach at the end of the bed. Then I french braided going up a little bit more than halfway. Then connected the french braid with the other hair into a ponytail.

This time I did a more cleaner bun.

There you go:) Hope you like it :D
*3 French Braids*
This one is a little more simpler. So what I did was I started of by doing 3 parts then put the rest of the hair back into a ponytail. Then I did 3 French Braids and connected them all with a little hair pretty.

Then I added a flower to kind of hide the hair pretties.

I Crimped her hair but that just took way too long but it turned out really cute. I prefer either curling the hair or just straightening it. It would be just a bit more quicker.
There you go. Hope you like it! :D

*3 Twists*
And Yet again I don't know what to name this, but I really like it:) I started off by parting the hair on the side. Then I parted 3 straight [you could do slanted ones] parts going from the side part to the ear & twist. I added an elastic to hold the twist (because once I got away from the head - I turned it into a corkscrew twist).

Then I pulled it all back into a ponytail. Make sure your twists are nice and tight.

Then I decided I wanted to put it back into a messy bun. What I did was I got a curling iron and then curled all of the ponytail with getting just little tiny pieces of hair. Then i put each curl into a hair pretty. I made sure some of the curls were coming out so it looked more messier.

Then, as usual, I added a black flower to the side of it. And there you go.
Hope you liked it :D
*6 Twist Buns*
I have NO clue what to name this hair do. Okay so this one was kind of hard and confusing but still fun. So what I did was I parted the hair as big as i wanted the twists. So I did that and put the rest of the hair in a hair pretty. Then I got the hair not in a hair pretty and then i parted those or 3 twists. I bet you can do as many twists as you want but I just chose three. the I twisted those all back into on hair pretty. [Confusing I know]

Then I had to have her lay over a bed and flip her head over so I could do the bottom of it.

Sorry this picture is kinda blurry. Then you connect 3 of the twists to one of the ponytails then do the same with the other. Then I just did a messy bun and added a flower.
Hope you liked it :D
*French Braid Half up Half Down*
( Long title I know:) Anyways I really, really like this one :) Part the hair on the side. French braid just a few strands down on one side (if you aren't very good at french braiding or dont' know how, just do a regular braid - it would work just as well)

Connect them both with a hair pretty. I personally like to cover the hair pretty with either a flower or bow. [Optional]

So I decided to put a BIG green flower in the back. How I connected it to the elastic is i put the flower clip around to the back then i clip it to only some of her hair that is down so it won't slip off.

And there's front. Hope you liked it :)
*Braided Rope*
So this is one of my many up do's that i have done. I started by parting the hair off to the side (a little further than I normally would) then part back to the ear make like a box. Twist braid her hair until all hair is included. If you can't remember - you start at the top with 2 strands. You brush the rest of the hair forward (or whatever way you are grabbing the hair from) Start by twisting once and the next time you twist, you grab from the section that is pulled forward. Now, twist again & grab. Going all the way down. Once I got where there is no more hair to grab, I twist to the bottom - going as far down as possible.

Then I Get the rest of the hair and comb it back into a side ponytail. Connect them all into one hair pretty and if you want you can put it in a bun, but as you can see I just left it down. Then add a flower/bow. [obviously optional]

I hope the pictures are good enough. Hope you liked it. :D
Monday, September 27, 2010
*Hair Dos*
Okay so i've Been into doing hair ALOT lately:):) which is something I love love love to do and I've been thinking that I should put my hair do pictures on here:) and I'll also tell you how to do the hair do:) i have alot of pictures right now but they are all on my phone so it's going to take me a bit longer to get them on here:) they are mostly all up dos becaus i think those are most fun but if you have any hair styles you want me to try then just comment down below:):) and I'll try to get to it. It will help if there was a picture with it too.... So I'll try to do that as soon as possible:) tell me if you like it or not:) well got to go BYE!!!!
yeah I know I know I haven't written in such a long time!!! But I'll just tell you what i've been up to lately. Well I started shool, I've been sick and hav beenn missn school:( yeah and today I skipped school because I was up all night because of my ear and mouth AND head!!! Ugh I hate it..... My mom say it's because I'm getting my twelve year old mowlers (I don't know how to spell that) but yeah and it really stinks :( hopefully I don't have too much homework..... Soo yeah. Ummm I'm trying to think about other things..... I can't think of anything else I know boring right?!!?? Haha oh well.... Blog later and i'm gonna start blogging alot more ( I'm hoping ) I'll try at least:) BYE
Sunday, June 13, 2010
*Summer*.... :)
So I haven't written in such a long long long long long long time!!! I"m sorry!!!!! It's just that I'm not sure what I should write about. Well I'm out of school right now which is AWESOME!!!:) I'm loving it. Sleeping in. Staying up. Except for some of the days I have NOTHING to do.. Oh well:) I can't wait till I go down to California:) The Beach. Shopping. Family:) haha... Well..?? My families been doing good and Cache is good too but sometimes he can be a pain but I love him:) Blog later:) BYE!
Friday, April 23, 2010
I know I know I haven't written In FOREVER!!!!!!! I just don't know what to write about :/ So the other day my Grandma and Grandpa were over.. What we did was shop!! I got these cute new springy/summery outfits and some new books!! :) The books I got were Savvy, Goose Girl, Enna Buring, and River Secerets. I'm reading Savvy right now and it is fabulous!!! I also painted my nails with flowers on it:) My family played this really fun game called Wackee 6... And Yeah:) Blog later....
Friday, April 2, 2010
So my friend Amanda is moving today!!! To Arizona!!!:( On Wednesday she had a "Going Away Party" and we all went to Classic Skating and did the cool little bounce house things:) Then we did lazer tag... I've never done that before...:/ So that was AWESOME and I got like 6650 or so points I can't remember... We had cake and pizza. I brought roller blades but we didn't even use them because we were having soo much fun on the bouncey things:) Then the party ended and everyone was crying soo hard;(
i'm going to miss her soooooo much!!! At least she has a phone that I can text her on
i'm going to miss her soooooo much!!! At least she has a phone that I can text her on
*What's Up?*
You are probably wondering what I have been up to. Well I've been hanging with friends, hanging with family, having a baby shower for my Aunt Chandy (I can't believe she's due in like a month or so.....I think???) and going shopping. I got some cute shirts from the store for easter:) I'm soo excited for Easter. My FAVORITE is finding the eggs. Don't forget that Conference is over the weekend......Bye!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
*First Family Puppy*
Okay so on tuesday our family was looking at lab puppies on KSL and the next day(wednesday) we actually got one!!!!!! He is sooo cute! There was 10 to choose from! It was sooo hard! He was the darkest one of the males and he kept playing with us and wagging his tail when most of the other ones were sitting in one spot and putting their tails between their legs! So we chose him it was really hard to name him but finally we decided a name and his name is Cache (a cuter way to spell cash:) Sorry I don't have any pictures right now but I will get some sooner or later:) He's only like 6 or 7 weeks old:] He is sooo fun to play with he pretty much sleeps and eats and goes to the bathroom.... oh and play. I'm pretty sure he's teething because he choose on anything he can find but come on he's a puppy:) A lot of people have come over and seen him and they think he's adorable. He's a chocolate Lab just to let you know. Today is also my moms birthday! "Happy Birthday Mom!" We're at my uncles house right now and I felt like blogging about all this crazy stuff that's happening:) Blog later:)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
*A Tooth Gone A lot More to Go:(
For the past days I've had a loose tooth and it was really hurting me:( I was thinking to myself "Why is tooth killing me?!" And it really did hurt:( I asked my dad if he thought it was ready because he's the teeth expert [at least he is in our family:] and he said "Yeah". So I let him wiggle it around then he pulled it last night:P It kind of hurt! I then realized what was my tooth kill! It was this one root! It was like a foot long:( It was really really sharp too. I could have seriously have used it for some kind of weapon!:) Then from the "Tooth Fairy" ;) I got like $2.00 if I can remember right, or maybe it was 1? So today at school I was so proud of myself and I told some people and they were like "Oh well I lost all my teeth in like 4th grade!" In my head I was thinking well that makes me feel sooooo much better! I'm the one that loose all of their teeth in like High School!:) So that's all! Blog ya later!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
*What I've been doing lately*
Okay so sorry that I haven't been posting lately it's just I've been pretty busy. So what I did was I went and saw Alvin and the Chipmunks and it was totally AMAZING you've got to see it if you haven't, but I'm sorry if you do go see it and I got your hopes up and you didn't like it that much:( But Anyways:).............. There has been this Musical going on at our school and I signed up for it. The musical is call The Music Man and I loved that MOVIE! So I tried out for a girl named Amaryliss but..................sadly I didn't get the part:( But I didn't let that get to me and I stayed in the play. I am now the Dance Core which is where I dance:P And I'm a Townspeople. It's so much fun even though it's only the second week that we've been doing this. I was kind of nervous for the tryouts because we had to sing a solo, dance, and act. The singing was my fear but I got over that and tried my best:) So yeah that's pretty much it I think...................Blog Later;)
Friday, January 15, 2010
*What I've been doing lately*
Okay so yeah I know I haven't been on it in like forever but this is what i've been doing lately. I went to Walmart and got some fake nails with my sisters, then we came home and glued them on with this special glue that they came with i'm pretty sure that it was super-glue. Sorry I don't have any pictures of the nails:( Oh well. So my mom went and bought those cute little headbands that are really cool:) She got them in blue, black, white/creamy color, red, and I think that's all. She just got them at Tai Pan Trading:) So ya and tonight I'm going to a birthday party! Blog later Bye!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
*Ice Skating*
I know...I know.....I am always writing about what I did, the day after, but oh well [that was probably confusing]. Anyways, yesterday my family went Ice Skating. It was a blast! When we were in line getting our skates I saw my friend Bailey! Then when we were getting onto the ice I saw my friend Alyssa. So I caught up with her and I ice-skated with her. It was soo much fun until my foot started to hurt very badly! I think it started to hurt because I got a size too big. I took ice skating lessons a couple of years ago with my friend Whitney for 2 years. It was pretty fun but we had a weirdo teacher once he would always say ,"Summer you are such an excellent ice skater", or something like that. He would also give me creepy looks and it would just creep me out!! So, we got there at 1:00 then left at 3:00. That was my families first going together! [I think] My dad looked like he was about to fall every single time he would lift a foot but then he got a hang of it. My mom was doing pretty good:)
That's me in the green and Kelly in the black, grey, and white.
This picture is of me except its just a little blurry!
This is of me(left) and Kelly(right)
I'll blog later! BYE:D
Friday, January 1, 2010
Yesterday I didn't blog, sorry:) I was totally busy! So what I did yesterday was go sledding with my family, Kamry, and Kayla. (Kamry and Kayla are our friends) We went to a school in Murray! The hill at the school was totally awsome! It was really big. The only thing that I hated about sledding was walking back up the hill over and over:( It was nice weather yesterday so I didn't even wear my big winter coat, I just wore a sweat shirt. It was so funny because we all made a train with our sleds and went down, when we got towards the end of the hill Kelly, Kayla, and Madison just totally flipped over! I was laughing my head off when I saw them flip over") Good times....good times:) Blog Later!
*New Years*
Happy New Years! I hope everybody had so much fun last night:) I'm sad to say that I did NOT stay up last night. I fell asleep at around 11:00 p.m. I was hoping to stay up until 12:00 and bang some pots and pans outside. Last night my family and I played games. One of the games I really liked was the game called "Encore". It's a music game") Then we watched a movie then everyone in the house just fell asleep:( But oh well.....maybe next time. Have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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