Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sorry yesterday I didn't blog because it was CHRISTmas and I was really busy") My Christmas went GREAT!!! I got a lot of clothes, a portable dvd player, a lot of dvd's, and treats") I love the outfits I got yesterday. Today I'm wearing one of my new outfits it's just some jeans and a plaid t-shirt and the plaid colors are yellow, orange, purple, and brown") I love it! But remember that CHRISTmas isn't all about the presents and treats it's about the saviors birth") That's why I capitalize CHRIST. I hope everyones CHRISTmas was fabulous and happy! BYE!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
*Christmas Eve*
Yep, that's right today is CHRISTMAS EVE!!! I'm totally excited for tonight! Ahhhhhhhhhhh") My sisters and I just want it to be bed time but it's only around 5 PM. Today I went shopping for a really long time with my dad, Hunter, and me. We went to this store named F.Y.E [it's a C.D. and a video store] Costco, and Macey's [the food market]. I found a movie at F.Y.E. called Just Like Heaven. I've been looking everywhere for that movie then finally I found it so I got it") But I can't have it until tomorrow {CHRISTmas} My mom is really sick right now and she can barely even move she said,"It's not fun being sick on CHRISTmas eve:( I hope she'll feel better!! I'll blog tomorrow about my CHRISTmas and how everyones doing") BYE!!! Warm Wishes!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hey everybody that's reading! I know I'm new with blogger but nobodies commented on any of my posts. So comment, comment, and comment. I would love to see some comments! Anyways, I hope you are doing well! Happy Holidays!!
*Nightmare Before Christmas*

Right now I am just watching The Nightmare Before Christmas") I love this movie! If you haven't seen it then you've got to see it, it's fabulous. One of the songs I like on it is "What's this? What's this?" It's so funny because most of the people in it are funny looking") This entry was totally random but oh well.......
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Okay today was a crazy/fun day because at school all we did for the first 3 periods was watch a movie called Akeelah and the Bee[I actually kind of liked that movie] then we went to fourth which was only about 40 minutes or so, went to lunch, then went to fifth, six, and seventh period and in those periods we just watched movies and played games then there was an assembly and I was in it [it was for chior, orchestra, and band]. So we sung and people played there instruments. Some of the songs we sung were Winter Wonderland, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, E le ne la devine enfant[that one was in french but I'm not quite sure how to spell it] Rudloph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Who Would Imagine a Kind and that's all I can think of") It was fun except for all of the lights shining on us while we're standing on the stage. When I was on the bus we had to stop because a trailer/car was driving around the corner and my friends sister accidently slid and fell under the trailer/car! But good thing she came out from under it and the trailer/car stopped just in time before she could have gotten ran over!! That's why today was crazy/fun. The rest of the day I'm not planning on doing anything except for sitting around even though we don't have school tomorrow! Yeah I'm so excited for Christmas and no school! Happy Holidays!
*A Piano Christmas Party*
Last night I went to a piano christmas party with my sister and friends, Bailee, Whitney, Kelly, and of course me. It was kind of boring because every year we do the same excact thing such as the Guessing Game and The Hat Game oh and we always have to play a Christmas song for everybody. Then we gave eachother gifts and I got an AWSOME sketch book because If you know me I love to be artsy fartsy and I love drawing!! I was going to blog last night but since the party startec at around 7:30 PM we got home at like 9 PM! I always get my friend Bailee or Whitney and I got Whitney this year:) I just got her a Spongebob Squarepants blanket that says "This is the best day ever!" So ya HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
*Aren't You So Excited?!*

Aren't you guys totally excited for Christmas time? I know I am!! I have been waiting forever for this(i'm just kidding not forever)I am just always excited about Christmas time except for if there is too much snow the snow starts bugging me. What my sisters and I do is we sleep in my room and put a tiny little tv in there and we watch a lot of Christmas movies. Then we wake up and open the presents and everything. I think it's just so much fun!! Happy Holidays!
*My First Entry*
Hey Hey Hey!
This is my first time ever blogging or whatever you call it. Mostly all my friends have a blog and they said it was fun so I decided I should make on so........HERE I AM!I am going to try to blog as much as I can but I'm not making any promises")
This is my first time ever blogging or whatever you call it. Mostly all my friends have a blog and they said it was fun so I decided I should make on so........HERE I AM!I am going to try to blog as much as I can but I'm not making any promises")
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